About the company

Company history

JTEKT Automotive Czech Pardubice company has been operating in the Czech Republic since 2006 as a successor entity of Toyoda Automotive Czech Republic s. r. o. The reason for changing the company name was merger of major Japanese companies Toyoda Machine Works and Koyo Seiko, which created a strong global company on the automotive suppliers market.

For the greenfield plant construction, an industrial zone in Pardubice was selected. The construction was finished in the spring of 2004.

In the first phase, the production was focused on mechanical parts for car gear system manufactured in TPCA Kolín. The first delivery for this customer left the plant gates in the middle of January 2005. Since 2006, our company has been supplying gear parts also to other Toyota plants in Europe.

In 2008 we have launched production of aluminum parts for car steering systems and this project’s share has been getting bigger ever since.

Představení společnosti

Společnost JTEKT Czech Repulic s.r.o. se specializuje na výrobu přesných mechanických dílů do převodovek a komponentů řízení do osobních automobilů.

V současné době jsou našimi hlavními zákazníky přední globální výrobci automobilů – společnost Toyota (včetně TPCA), a další světoví výrobci osobních automobilů.

Naším cílem je společnost neustále zlepšovat – a to prostřednictvím poskytování produktů a služeb, které jsou zákazníkem skutečně požadované. Produkty se snažíme zdokonalovat, zvyšujeme efektivitu práce a výrobních procesů, ale přitom nám zároveň záleží na životním prostředí, ve kterém žijeme, proto vyrábíme recyklovatelné výrobky.

Původ názvu společnosti

Název společnosti je sám o sobě nositelem naší politiky. 

Quality policy

Quality policy is considered a basic area of corporate strategy. The goal of the top management of our company is to produce such parts that comply with our customers’ requirements or exceed them (based on continuous quality and quality control effectivity improvement).

The company has implemented quality control according to IATF 16949:2016.

The IATF 16949 standard specifies requirements for automotive parts manufacturers’ quality management system. This standard is essentially based on ISO 9001 – its contents extended by special requirements for car parts manufacturers’ quality control system. It is far more detailed and its application does not require any special professional interpretation.

The standard is of benefit to our company for maintaining high level of production process and by that also stabilization of service provided to our customers in as high quality as possible. Also, it brings the possibility to optimize costs and increase sales, profit, market share by effectively set process, which helps to satisfy the company owners.

Politika jakosti je naší společností vnímána jako základní oblast firemní strategie. Záměrem vrcholového managementu naší společnosti je produkovat výrobky, které splňují nebo překračují požadavky našich zákazníků (na základě průběžného zlepšování kvality a výkonnosti systému řízení managementu jakosti).

Our principles

  1. Customer’s point of view
    Consider things from the customer’s point of view, provide products and services that would satisfy the customer.
    Essential philosophy
  2. Be ambitious
    Acquire a strong ambition to improve the world and society, which leads to increasing the performance quality.
    Idea of "Monozukuri"

  3. Engage personally (Ownership?)
    Think and act according to your personal responsibility and thus perform your job well
    Idea of "Monozukuri"

  4. Work dutifully
    Listen to others’ opinions with humbleness and learn how to solve tasks with focus and work dutifully.
    Idea of "Monozukuri"

  5. Accept challenges
    Have dreams, set high goals, work for them tirelessly.
    Working method

  6. Think globally
    See things in wider range, consider which approaches are best for everyone and follow those.
    Working method

  7. "Genchi-Genbutsu" ... confirm the situation on site
    Personally visit the workplace to investigate various situations and use 5WHY analysis method.
    Working method

  8. Think innovatively
    Continually and steadily strive to improve and innovate.
    Working method

  9. Respond immediately
    The world is changing fast, therefore it is necessary to search for optimal solution and try it.
    Working method

  10. Work as a team
    Work to achieve team goals by doing my part in tasks and duties, as well as helping others.
    Working method

Working safety policy

Our company is ever-evolving – in harmony with keeping all our safety and working health protection according to the OHSAS 18001 standard requirements.

We actively create and improve working conditions for employees’ working safety. For us, the safety and working safety management system is one of the most important aspects in our company development, therefore it is an essential part of all company processes.

The company management together with all employees strive to achieve all our targets and commitments for OHSAS standard, which is connected to ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.

Working safety document:

Environmental policy

By implementing IATF 16949 standard, the company expresses its attitude towards the environment and targeted effort to actively participate on protecting the environment, creating safe and healthy working conditions for the employees, continuous improvement.

These targets are being achieved by using procedures and processes which respect environmental, legal and ethical principles of the relationship with employees, customers and environment.

The company management together with all employees fully identify themselves with the global corporate policy of JTEKT. By setting and achieving local goals, they commit to keep it in all its items.

Enviroment document: